Our grocery stores are filled with deceptive foods – processed foods that appear nourishing to

5 Ways to Recognize a Deceptive Food (Bible Warning)

Have you ever feared replacing a particular food in your eating? The resistance is likely

Exposed: Emotional Attachment to Food

Several years ago, a TBYT reader named “Sheila” (name changed) wrote a public comment about

Overcoming Weight Loss Fear (Mindset Shift)

Have you ever driven to work – and then arrived with no memory of the

How to Interrupt Overeating ( Stop Overeating )

Do you know what Sodom’s sins were? You probably just thought about a particular sexual

Confronting the Spirit of Gluttony (Prayer)

Quick question: Let’s say you had a friend who wanted to drive to Canada. She got

God’s Grace for Mistakes

Once I was driving home after a long day at a Ministry Leadership conference. Although I’d

Sugar: an Emotional Pain Killer?